Evolution of esports prize money between 2015 and 2018

3 years ago, we published on this very blog an infographics on the Esports Economy, and especially the prize moneys awarded in the tournaments of the top esports titles.
It’s time to take stock of the situation, and see where we are at regarding tournament prize moneys.
Find a new interactive infographics, with the most up-to-date data available, along data compiled from 2015:

The Toornament platform is now fully responsive

Worldwide mobile usage is on the rise, and Toornament usage is no exception to this. We have recorded a huge increase in the number of users that visit the platform from their mobile device, and as such, the subject has become a priority of ours.
Yes we do have a Mobile App, but its traffic has not seen the same increase, and has been steady for a while, and we therefore opted for an all-responsive web design.

As of today, all of Toornament features are optimized for all devices you may have (just like the Organizer Dashboard has been for a while), from your desktop computer to your mobile phone, with laptops and tablets in between, directly on the website:


This will allow us to focus on what’s really important: updating the platform, and providing the best esports experience there is. Consequently, the Toornament Mobile App will be withdrawn from the stores in the upcoming weeks.

As always, your feedback and thoughts matter to us, so let us know what you think of these new designs, and how we may improve them for you!

Use Case: How Toornament supported the Quakecon 2018

The Quakecon is a huge LAN party happening every year, with thousands of players and even more visitors. For an event of this scale to run smoothly, everything must be prepared and handled with care, and that’s why Quakecon called upon Toornament expertise and experience to help them. Continue reading “Use Case: How Toornament supported the Quakecon 2018”

A last selection of tournaments before going back to school?

New school year is almost upon us, so now is the time to take part in one of our numerous Open Community tournaments!
Take a minute, check what we have in store, and maybe next week, you’ll be able to refer to yourself as a champion to your classmates!

And find the upcoming tournaments from our Partners:

You are an organizer, and would like us to showcase one of your upcoming tournaments? Feel free to contact us on Twitter or Facebook, and come advertise it yourself on our Discord Server!

Better your chances in the next Beyond the Void tournament with Training Sessions with the Game Designer!

A new Beyond the Void tournament is upon us, the Ambro Cup #4 will be held on the 7th of September, and prizes are to be won!
For those of you who do not know the game yet, Beyond the Void is a free game that mixes MOBA and RTS concepts, where you pilot a spaceship to destroy the enemy’s mother planet.
To increase your chances at being the best at the game, and win the tournament prizes, three Training Sessions will be available to registrants, organized on the game Official Discord, with the Game Designer.

Those sessions will happen on:

  1. Friday 31st August, from 13h00 to 14h00 (CEST)
  2. Wednesday 5th September, 13h00 to 14h00 (CEST)
  3. Friday 7th September, from 13h00 to 14h00 (CEST)

If you are a streamer, and would like to stream some matches, to hone your casting skills and have some fun, you are free to join too!
See the official Beyond the Void news for more information!