[Organizers] How to place your participants when some don’t show up?

You know the golden rule for a tournament organizer: s**t happens and sometimes, some of your participants can’t show up for some reason.

This may lead to some tricky situations where there are too many seeds for the available slots. How do you deal with this issue?

Let’s see with this case: My 16 slots tournament is full with registrations and ready to start. But at the last minute, 4 teams can’t make it: “Payload Warriors”, “Soul D.Va”, “Sacrilege” and “Apac Apex” won’t show up .


How to deal with this in terms of placement and seeding? The goal here is to re-generate your tournament’s structure with all the other participants.

Here’s our easy method:

1. Re-seed

The first thing to do is to move the no-show teams to the lowest seedings.


In your Participants’ tab, go to “Edit All” and attribute the lowest seeds to the no-show teams.


Then, give their seeds to the other teams.

At the end of your switch, all the present teams will be seeded from #1 to #12, while the no-show teams will be seeded from #13 to #16.

2. Re-generate

Now, go in your structure tab and choose “Change”. You can now repick a structure.


Change the tournament size from 16 to 12. Generate the structure.

3. Re-place

In your Placement Tab, a warning message will pop on top of the screen, reminding you that there are more participants (16) than available slots (12).


Don’t mind and place your participants 🙂

You’re done! A green message will confirm your placement.


The 16 registered teams are still there, but the tournament has only seeded the 12 first and you competition can start. We’ll streamline this process in a later update!

[Organizers] How to read the match nomenclature?

In order to help you organizers identify any given match easily, we’ve adopted an easy to use and memorize string made of four numbers.

You can see it on every match on Toornament:


The string of numbers simply describes each step of the tournament, from the larger to the smaller.

“Stage > Group > Round > Match”

  • Stage is the phase of the tournament. For example, a “groupstage to playoffs” structure means there are two stages: Groups (1), then Playoffs (2)
  • Group designates the group in which the match in being played.
  • Round is the series of matches inside a group. In a group of 4 where each participants play their 3 other opponents once, there are 3 rounds.
  • Each round holds a certain number of matches to be completed.

This means that a match labelled “″ will be in Stage 1, Group 3, Round 2, Match 5. This will help you “locate” a match in a snap. Worth noting!

[Organizers] Make great FIFA 17 tournaments with Toornament.com

It’s both fun and simple to run a great FIFA 17 tournament!

Toornament.com is designed to suit all your needs, offering dozens of structures and powerful features such as widgets, paid registration management and a free mobile app.

Watch our short video tutorial and start your first FIFA 17 tournament right away!

And if you have any question or feedback, contact us through your dashboard and bookmark our Knowledge Base

[Organisateurs] Créez de supers tournois FIFA 17 avec Toornament.com

Vous aimez les tournois FIFA 17? Organisez votre propre Champions League, Coupe du Monde ou Ligue 1 sur FIFA 17 avec Toornament.com !

Regardez cette vidéo tuto et lancez votre premier tournoi FIFA en quelques minutes:

Notre plate-forme supporte des dizaines de formats de compétition et offre des outils puissants pour obtenir un résultat puissant: widgets pour partager votre tournoi, gestion des inscriptions payantes et app mobile gratuite pour vos participants.

Et si vous avez d’autres questions, contactez-nous via votre dashboard et bookmarkez notre base de connaissances!