Case study: Ubisoft Gaming League

Saying that video games professionals are video games lovers is an understatement and Ubisoft employees won’t say otherwise…


Esport enthusiasts from Ubisoft Montréal started an in-house gaming league. It’s a common thing nowadays. But when most people will simply play during lunch time in the leisure area, the Ubisoft people went further.



The UGL (Ubisoft Gaming League) engages hundreds of former-colleagues-now-rivals over a wide array of Esport games – and not just the Ubisoft ones :

  • Rainbow Six Siege
  • Fifa
  • Rocket League
  • Just Dance
  • Mortal Kombat
  • Super Smash Bros
  • Street Fighter
  • Hearthstone
  • Heroes of the Storm
  • Starcraft
  • Dota 2
  • League of Legends


Growing through 3 seasons already, the UGL has now its dedicated stage, trophies, admins and casters. That’s what we call some serious dedication to competition! Maybe it has to do with the presence of several progamers among the Ubisoft workforce?


Anyway, we’re thrilled that the UGL picked Toornament to run all their competitions. They used every tools they could and came back to us with great feedback and requests specific to running toornaments for active people dealing with other schedules and agendas (yes, full time workers may have a job to deal with).




We love to see commited organizers on both pro and amateurs levels. Or in the case of UGL, “amateur level in a pro environment”. If you run an office league, we’ll be happy to help!


The Toornament Page evolves again

Here’s a follow-up from our Tournament Page redesign introduced last week. As anounced, we’re replacing the widget with a dedicated content in each tab, starting today with the “Information” tab.


Information Tab



More sharing options

Also notice the Sharing options available at the bottom of each tab feature popular social networks like Facebook, Twitter or VKontakte and our well-known widget, Toornament TV and Mobile App.




The other tabs will benefit from the redesign in a couple of weeks. This work in progress shows you how we know implement in an incremental way new features and redesigns.

Tournament report: The Shanghai Major

As the dust settles in the Mercedes Benz Arena, here we come with our latest graphic report, fresh out of the oven!

Here’s your dose of trends, cold hard data and fun trivias. (click on pic for higher res)


Following the success of our Capcom Cup 2015 infographic, we once more tapped into our API to generate cross data and rich statistics from our extensive tournament coverage.

We hope you like it, follow us more more cool infographics!

Check out our Capcom Cup 2015 graphic report!

A homepage for your tournaments

It’s Spring-cleaning madness!

Following the footsteps of our new homepage, we’ve also revamped our Tournaments homepages, so that you can easily share your tournament even tho you don’t have any website!


The banner part lets you upload your own logo and displays the basic information, such as the name and advancement.

Below, the tournament navigation menu is composed of five tabs:

  • Information
  • Registration
  • Participants
  • Results
  • Live Streams

For now, Each tab content is handled by the Tournament Widget you know well. In the following weeks, we’ll release a new navigation system with its proper content. Stay tuned!

Welcome on our new Front Page

Say hello to our new front page!

We’re proud to welcome you with a real landing hub from where you can easily check what’s up in the Esport world, follow tournaments from around the world or start your own!


As you may have understand by now, this new front page is more than just a graphic refreshment. It showcases Toornament’s core activities in a more efficient way:


  • Organizers, for whom Toornament will remain the most powerful yet comprehensive management platform
  • Participants will soon be able to register, check the tournaments they participate in and report their scores
  • Fans can now satisfy their thirst for Esport using Toornament website, widgets and mobile app as a global media covering majors tournaments
  • Developers from organizations, videogame studio and media can benefit from our powerful, open API


We hope you’ll feel right at home with our new frontpage!