[Organizers] How to run a Clash Royale tournament: the Step by Step Guide

The launch of Clash Royale and its competitive design lead to a lot of new organizers on our platform.

First and foremost: welcome! We’re thrilled to have you onboard the most powerful eSport platform in the industry and we’ll help you make great Clash Royale tournaments. Now if you’re running your first competition on Toornament, watch our short video tutorial:

You can also follow this step by step guide!

1. Provide all the information

Participants are always in need of information: what’s the schedule, are there special rules, some prize, can I get my opponent ID? And above all, what are the name of the Clan specifically created for the tournament and the name of the Tournament to be found on Toornament?

Toornament offers plenty of room and custom fields for you to make these information easy to find.

2. Open and validate registrations

Now that you’ve created a tournament, open its registrations so that participants can apply and validate them. A confirmation will be sent and we’re all set.

3. Place your participants

Toornament can place automatically your participants, following two methods: participant number, or random. Participant number is great if you want to dispatch the top seeds (participants with the highest trophy count or level).

Ultimately, you can manually place every participant of your tournament. Learn more on how the Placement works

4. Report and share results


You, your admins and the participants can then report all the results and scores in real time. Your participants can then check all the activity and reports using our free mobile app, or checking our sharable widgets.

In the next updates to come, we’ll allow the participants to report match results themselves straight from our mobile app and get notification for their next match!

5. Master the basics first, experiment then

You now know everything you need to run your first Clash Royale tournaments. Later on, we’ll invite you to check and experiments all our advanced features

And don’t forget to check our 4 essential tips to run a great Clash Royale tournament!