Check-in now available!

A highly-requested feature is now available on Toornament for all to use!
You can activate the Tournament Check-in for your participants to confirm their presence to your competition. Alternatively, you may also just activate the Check-in on the Organizer’s side, to keep track of your participants’ presence yourself.

As a participant, you can see the current status of the tournament, including its Check-in part; both on the tournament public page and your list of tournaments:

As usual, you can find more details on the Help Center: for both Organizers and Participants.
And it’s available on both Android and iOS versions of the Mobile App:

We are of course still open to feedback and comments, so try it out, and let us know what you think!

Krosmaga now has its Pick & Ban!

We are proud to announce that we worked with Ankama to make Toornament the go-to platform for Krosmaga tournament organizers, and are now releasing the Pick & Ban feature!
It’s as simple as it gets, after the tournament organizer enables the feature from the Organizer Dashboard (“Settings” > “Krosmaga”), you will be able to pick your gods when registering to a tournament:

Next, you will be asked to ban one (or more) of your opponent’s Gods through the “Ban” menu of every match you have to play.
The process is similar to what you might have experienced with Hearthstone, but the whole Pick&Ban feature got revamped for the occasion, and is now even more user-friendly!

And as per usual, the process is entirely doable from our Mobile App!

Read more about this new feature on the Help Center!

A look back on 2017

2017 has been a huge year for Toornament, which underwent its biggest transformation ever with the release of the V.2.
The first half of the year was entirely dedicated to bringing those sweet new features to you, while the rest was about keeping the flow of novelties and improvements coming your way. And now is the time to stop for a minute, and gaze upon what 2017 brought along!

Toornament V.2

The biggest evolution Toornament has ever known basically revamped the whole website, especially on the organizer’s side, with some major points:

The Match Lobby

Participants like to talk, would it be to exchange information about an upcoming match, or to gloat after a win. Whatever the reason, we released one of the features our users most requested: the Match Lobby.

Support V.2

Because having a great platform comes with providing great support, we created a true Knowledge Base and opened up new support channels to make sure everyone could get the answers they were looking for.

Participant Interface

To further improve the quality of life of our users, we merged the public tournament pages with the Participant Dashboard in a new Participant Interface. This was only possible thanks to the changes initiated with the V.2 release, that has proven being an invaluable improvement (because it opens up so many other possibilities you’ve only seen a glimpse of!).

Registration Multi-Selection

It is easier than ever to handle and manage your registrations, thanks to the Registration Multi-Selection, which allows you to select any number of registrations to act on them all at once!


Adding to these major changes, the year was full of lesser updates, full of optimizations and bug smashing, all aimed at making Toornament the best esports platform there is.
Among those, you may recall:

What’s in store for 2018?

For those of you who are not familiar with our Public Development Roadmap, let me tell you we plan on making 2018 even more incredible than 2017 was!
Next feature in line will be the Tournament Check-in, rolling out first thing next year!
2018 will also be the launch year for our Partner Program, aimed at rewarding our best organizers with business opportunities and premium stuff.

Oh, and by the way, i might have forgotten to mention that we are also working on a new tournament structure:

Today, we disclose our Development Roadmap

Feedback means a lot to us. In our constant effort to provide the best solution there is for you to organize and participate in tournaments, having our community opinion on our work is an invaluable input.
To allow for a better understanding of the issues we have to face, and gather even more of your constructive feedback, we are disclosing our Public Development Roadmap.

Accessible to anyone, you will be able to follow our progress and give us your feedback on specific questions pertaining to key features as we work on it.

Cards like these will allow you to fill a short survey to tell us what you think about the upcoming features.

Now more than ever, your opinion matters to us, so let us know what you think!

Multi-Selection now available in the Registrations List!

Today, we release yet another feature to ease up the life of our organizers. Handling your registrations has never been this easy!
With our new Multi-Selection, you may now select several registrations to perform an action on them all at once, or filter them out to mass apply a new status (Accept all currently Pending requests for example).
And because a few images speak a thousand words, here they are:

New action buttons and icons have appeared on the List of Registrations:

They become active depending on the displayed registrations, to let you know which actions are possible on the current selection:

Here, when filtering Accepted Registrations, you may only Refuse or Reset them (as they are already Accepted, and only Pending registrations can be Deleted):

Finally, you may use the action icons at the end of the lines, or check individual registrations to change their statuses, just like you used to: