In the scope of our new version, we have had to rethink the widgets entirely. Lots of organizers have given us their feedback, and we are proud to present them, and you, our new widgets!
All changes have been made with one main issue in mind: Clarity.
Being embedded on different parts of websites, widgets have to be clear, intelligible and easy to use. This could be achieved by following two guidelines:
- No more navigation. What you see is what you get. Chosen information is immediately visible and accessible.
- A modern, stripped down and refined style, to emphasize important information.
The tournament widget is now be divided into several separate widgets. No menu to navigate from one to the other. There will be a widget for each one of these categories:
- Participants
- Matches List
- Groups List
- Bracket
- Information & Registration
As of now, all widgets but the “Participants” one are available in their new version. The “Information & Registration” one comes with 4 variants depending on the current status of the tournament:
Tournament has not started yet
Tournament has not started yet, with registrations open
Tournament is currently running
Tournament is over
Here is the new look of the Stage-based widgets:
Round-Robin Groups
And here is the new “Schedule” widget:
Matches Schedule
Those widgets, and the ones still to come will also be available in a Dark Mode shortly. And to finish, here’s a sneak peek at our “Participants” widget, which is still a work in progress: