Get DOTA 2 advanced statistics on Toornament

DOTA lovers, rejoice : starting today, we’re proud to announce that Toornament now support rich informations and statistics for each matches !


Picks, Bans, Kill / Death / Assists, inventory and levels are all there, to provide your audience with more datas. Combined with stream and V.O.D links for each match, our widgets are now the place to go to follow any DOTA 2 tournament.

How does it work ? You just have to enter a match ID (available in your DOTA 2 main menu)

So, here’s our famous widget everybody loves. Just click on a match details and…

… Here’s our widget boasting advanced DOTA 2 informations everybody’s gonna love even more !

This week is the perfect time to show you this feature : the DOTA 2 Asia Championship, entering its final phase from today to Sunday, is our featured tournament of the week. We can’t wait for you to enjoy it and then, try it for yourself.

Happy first blood !

Esport is growing, Disney / HTC / Besiktas / KeSPA edition

In a recent post about

what we expect for Esport in 2015

, new sponsors were one of our key points. More money and more recognition never hurts. Wishes came true these last days, with some new actors involved in Esport, from HTC to Disney…



HTC gets a triple kill in LoL


We wrote earlier that one of the main goal for Esport this year would be to attract sponsors outside the gaming industry. The past years have seen some interesting partnerships, but most ended being one shots. Now comes HTC. The Taiwanese smartphone company may be jumping into gaming this year with a new product. To show its longterm dedication, HTC striked not one but three sponsorship deals with major League Of Legends teams :

Cloud 9

Team Solo Mid

Team Liquid

Those deals focus on the North American LoL scene, showing some insight from a traditionalist sponsor which we haven’t seen before. Also worth noting the wording used by the team : “premium” a “long term” shows that we’re not dealing with some kind of one shot or gear giveaway for some shoutouts.

Besiktas football, basketball, handball and volleyball club adds LoL


One of the largest sports club in mid-East, Turkish organisation

Besiktas JK

, just added a League Of Legends team, along with its soccer, basketball, hand ball and volley ball rosters.

Aces High is a turkish LoL team

which recently took part in the IEM Cologne. Linking an Esport club to a sport club has always been a long time and logical Esport fantasy, but this happening with a major international sports team (Besiktas soccer and basketball teams are quite renowned on the international scene) adds more weight to the deal. Here again, symbol matters more than any actual figures.

Korea closes the gap between Esport and Olympic Games


Korea remains one of the most advanced country for all things Esports. We just learned that the local Esport authority, the famous

 KeSPA, has gotten e-sports accepted into the 2nd level of the Olympic Committee

. This means that Esport now required one last step to be integrated into the Olympic disciplines pool. Esport is 20 years old now, but its craziest dreams from the early days are about to come true.

Disney’s new teenage sensation goes Esport


Last, but not least, Disney. The company behind Pixar, Marvel, Lucas and well, Disney, is also a juggernaut in the teenagers content industry, with hits such as High School Musical and Violetta. The new kid on the block is no other than a profesional gamer. From (another Disney’s) TV Show “Jessie”, Cameron Boyce will also star in a new show broadcasted on gaming/anime channel Disney XD.

“Gamer’s Guide to Pretty Much Everything”

follows “

a teenage professional video game player who circumvents life’s challenges using his gaming acumen

But the most interesting part of this show lies in the (pro)gamer status treatment. Gamers characters have long been depicted as losers climbing from the bottom (I have no friends etc.) to the top (I’m finally cool, even tho I’m a gamer).
“GGPME” work the other way around. The hero here is an established cyber athlete, living the glamorous life of an Esport star until a thumb injury throws him back to “normal” life. We expect some stereotypes here and there, but the pitch itself shows a new step in Esport and gamers recognition : According to Disney, being a pro gamer is cool. This may look trivial to you, but this “bold” take on the matter may influence millions of kids – and their parents.

New features : “Check In” and “Export”

We’re pleased to announce two new features on Toornament : “Check In” and “Export”, designed to make your life easier !



“Check In” feature is now available for Toornament, with a focus on tournament admins. Our feedback and own experience as organizers highlighted the need to keep all the check ins process in the admin’s hands, especially on LAN events.

(click for the rest of this post)

So our Check In feature is admin centralised, allowing you to suppress all unchecked participants, for example.

“Check In” feature is now available for everyone, you just need to activate it. We will make the “players’ Check In” available soon after.



Export two types of lists : registered and participating. You can filter your exported list, with criterias such as confirmed/unconfirmed participation.

Toornament will generate a .csv file which can be opened in any sheet software such as Excel. Each list contains rich datas, such as email, ID, status, country etc.

Participants’ list will come particularly handy if you need to email all your participants, for example.