, the online software to manage your esports tournaments and data, launches its solution dedicated to professionals organizing competition circuits.
Continue reading “Toornament presents its ‘Series’ subscription plan dedicated to manage esports circuits”
Category: Website builder
Discover all the blog posts referring to the Toornament Website Builder feature.
New one-page turnkey sites for your tournament launch
To further simplify and speed up the creation of tournament sites, we have added new turnkey templates to the Tourney subscription plan. Continue reading “New one-page turnkey sites for your tournament launch”
How the website builder can help your local event and live stream
In this blog post we explore two new ways to use the website builder feature that will help you share your tournament results during a live event or stream.
Continue reading “How the website builder can help your local event and live stream”
Single page website builder example
Our second example of a tournament site created with the Toornament website builder is out. In this post, we take the time to discover it in detail.
How to integrate tournament results on your own website
As an organizer, you usually need to display your tournament results on a website. While Toornament allows you to easily create a full tournament website with its WYSIWYG interface, you sometimes have an existing one that you would prefer to use instead. But you know how challenging it is to integrate your results with your colors on it. Continue reading “How to integrate tournament results on your own website”