Developers: Version 2 and API Modifications

maintenance V2 Release is scheduled on the 31st of May, and all changes listed in this article will then become effective.


With the new version just around the corner, it is time for us to address organizers/developers using our API on what’s about to change for them.
First of all, we’d like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that the Toornament API is still in a beta state, and a constant work in progress, changes are bound to happen, and all feedback is, as usual, appreciated and taken into account.

To the users of our Scheduling Tool or CS:GO Bots (eBot and AdminBot), nothing to worry about, those will still work perfectly fine, the bots just won’t be able to send stats for a while, but without creating any issue.

New pagination system

Two endpoints now have parameters pagination:

  • GET tournaments/{tournament_id}/participants
  • now has 256 items per page (no change for tournaments with less than 256 participants)

  • GET tournaments/{tournament_id}/matches
    now has 100 items per page

Changes in the “Matches” endpoints

  • ALL /tournaments/{tournament_id}/matches/...

In all endpoints, the timezone property now returns null in matches and does nothing if you try to send Timezone information.
You have to use the one situated in the tournament’s endpoint.
The date properties are now returned with the Timezone setting of the tournament.

  • GET /tournaments/{tournament_id}/matches
  • GET /tournaments/{tournament_id}/matches/{id}
  • GET /disciplines/{discipline_id}/matches

When set to 1, the with_games parameter will no longer return participants information. They can be found in the match opponent properties.

Deprecated feature: Schedule

  • GET /tournaments/{tournament_id}/schedules

We are not talking about match schedules here, but the Schedule feature, used to create events linked to the tournament.
This one goes down the drain entirely, and the endpoint returns an empty array.

Stages endpoints

  • GET /tournaments/{tournament_id}/stages
  • GET /tournaments/{tournament_id}/stages/{number}
  • GET /tournaments/{tournament_id}/stages/{number}/view

The tournament engine has been rebuilt from scratch and now uses a brand new staging system.
The current stages API endpoints will no longer be working, a new version of the endpoints will be released soon.

Game statistics

Upon the release of the new version, game statistics as seen in CS:GO (when a bot is used), DOTA2, League of Legends and Bloodbowl 2 won’t be available.
Their return is a priority to us. In the meantime, all endpoints properties related to specific game statistics (opponent lineup, pick&bans etc.) will return null.
The API used to write statistics with the CS:GO bots will return code 200 responses, but with no action attached.

The API documentation will be updated with all these modifications when the V2 is released on the 31st of May.

Tout ce qu’il faut savoir en tant que Participant

This is the french version of a previous article.

Toornament est une plateforme puissante et pratique pour les organisateurs, et nous voulons également proposer une expérience de qualité aux participants.

Nous avons donc conçu et développé des outils pour vous permettre de suivre vos compétitions et reporter les résultats de vos matchs.


Une fois connecté sur le site, l’Interface Participant (Participant Dashboard) est accessible via le menu de navigation dans le coin supérieur droit de n’importe quelle page de l’interface publique.

Vous pourrez y retrouver tous les tournois dans lesquels vous êtes inscrits,

ainsi que tous ceux dans lesquels vous jouez,

et la liste de vos matchs, passés ou à venir, en cliquant sur l’un de vos tournois en cours.

Si l’organisateur du tournoi a activé le Report par les Participants, il suffit de cliquer sur un match à jouer pour accéder à la page permettant de reporter vos résultats détaillés, d’adresser des commentaires aux organisateurs et éventuellement envoyer une preuve du résultat de match.


Notre Application Mobile gratuite vous permet de faire exactement la même chose, rendant le report de match encore plus simple et rapide si vous jouez sur mobile ou console.

Connectez-vous à votre compte pour accéder à la liste des tournois pour lesquels votre inscription a été validée.


L’application affichera votre prochain match si vous en avez encore à jouer.


Vous pouvez ensuite reporter les résultats de vos matchs directement dans l’application.


Les fonctionnalités offertes aux participants, tout comme celles proposées aux organisateurs, sont en constante amélioration, mais les bases sont là, et il ne vous reste plus qu’à vous inscrire à l’un de nos nombreux tournois communautaires Open, ou créer votre propre tournoi pour affronter vos amis et tester ça!

Here are the games Toornament integrates with

At Toornament, we believe in-game integration is the future. Esports disciplines and Esports platform are bound to communicate with each others to bring upgraded features, smoother management, richer content and ultimately, better competitive experience.


We’re working with all video game studios on such opportunities through our free API.

Here are some of our best integrations to date:

League of Legends


Type: Tournament Code

With Tournament Codes, participants of a match automatically join the lobby before the match. After the game, Results and stats are automatically displayed.

Learn more:

Dota 2


Type: Match ID

Dota 2 provide a unique ID for each match played on Valve’s servers. These Match IDs allow us to retrieve advanced statistics from the game.

Learn more:

Type: Management softwares

Counter-Strike offers a more advanced approach on Match management. Dedicated softwares such as eBot and Adminbot are game changers, bringing in many options and stats. Toornament is now supported by both solutions.

Learn more:

Type: Match ID

The cult board game has an equally passionate community fo its video game adaptation. We worked with deveolpper Cyanide Studios to get Match IDs you can simply copy/paste in tournament to retrieve results and stats.

Learn more:

Interested in working with us and plugging your game with our Esport Platform? Fire us a mail, [email protected]!

[Participants] Pick & Ban is now available on our Mobile app

The very popular “Pick & Ban” feature for Hearthstone is now available on our mobile app Toornament eSports!

The process is very straightforward: when you register and get confirmed for a tournament, you will be asked to pick the classes you’ll use for your matches.


Now, go on your match page, where you’ll see your picked classes and your opponent’s ones.

If the “Ban” phase is part of the rules, click on the lower button to choose the class you’ll ban from your opponent.


You can see which class your opponent banned once your own ban is done. You’re all set, may the Top Deck gods be with you!

Download Toornament eSports for free: