Toornament account for all

Big news for you participants: a Toornament account is now mandatory.

Since we opened up Toornament to the players with the Participant Dashboard, it became clear to us that everyone using Toornament should register an account.


Until now, participants would register for a tournament, but not necessarily get an account, leading to another required registration process for each new tournament. We’re now making it simple: to register for a tournament, register on Toornament!

Participants will then be able to register for all the tournaments they want and find and manage all their past, ongoing and upcoming competitions straight from their dedicated dashboard.

Following this important step, we’ll keep on streamlining the participant’s experience:

  • Our mobile app will integrate this feature and allow Register / Log In processes.
  • The participant Dashboard will also list all your registrations as a participant in the future updates. 

Update: Organizer dashboard

We’ve updated the participant page in the organizer dashboard with more information and navigation options:


Your participants screen now show all the main numbers: participants numbers, how many are checked in, how many are registered, tournament size.

We’ve also ironed out the check in / validate / refuse actions in the list with back buttons.

Navigation updates

We’ve enhanced some navigation parts of Toornament, check them out! 

Pages for the Games tabs

The growing number of past, current and incoming tournaments for each game called for a proper navigation, with pages for each tab.


You can search up to 20 pages. Beyond, our search engine is your best friend.

Tournament Page Menu

Since we started dedicated tournament pages, we’ve told you that they would evolve from Widget-based content to dedicated content. We’re getting there (teaser, teaser…), starting with the navigation bar.


“Matches” and “Schedule” now let a menu scroll down for an easier and faster navigation to the information you and your participants are looking for.


“Schedule” menu will appear if schedules other than “Match” are created by the tournament organizer.

These front tweaks are the first of more to come… Stay tuned!

Our new Facebook Page is your new eSports calendar

We’re happy to announce our new Facebook Page, “Toornament eSports

Yes, it’s 2016 and we’re launching a Facebook page. But make no mistake, this is not just your regular fanpage!


We thought our Facebook page as an eSports calendar embedded right into your Facebook timeline. As many people use the famous social network to manage their calendar, we thought it’d be cool for them to track eSports tournaments too.

Just “Like” our page and participate in our events to be notified of all the major eSports tournaments around the world.

Our Facebook page is a nice sidekick to our main website and mobile app to discover and follow eSports tournaments everyday, from everywhere.

Like the Toornament eSports Facebook Page