[Organizers] Make great FIFA 17 tournaments with Toornament.com

It’s both fun and simple to run a great FIFA 17 tournament!

Toornament.com is designed to suit all your needs, offering dozens of structures and powerful features such as widgets, paid registration management and a free mobile app.

Watch our short video tutorial and start your first FIFA 17 tournament right away!

And if you have any question or feedback, contact us through your dashboard and bookmark our Knowledge Base

[Organisateurs] Créez de supers tournois FIFA 17 avec Toornament.com

Vous aimez les tournois FIFA 17? Organisez votre propre Champions League, Coupe du Monde ou Ligue 1 sur FIFA 17 avec Toornament.com !

Regardez cette vidéo tuto et lancez votre premier tournoi FIFA en quelques minutes:

Notre plate-forme supporte des dizaines de formats de compétition et offre des outils puissants pour obtenir un résultat puissant: widgets pour partager votre tournoi, gestion des inscriptions payantes et app mobile gratuite pour vos participants.

Et si vous avez d’autres questions, contactez-nous via votre dashboard et bookmarkez notre base de connaissances!

DOTA 2: The Post-TI6 Roster Shuffle Infographic

Our coverage team has been following the DOTA 2 scene with and exhaustive coverage of The International 2016 and our massive infographic.

We wanted to end this season’s coverage and start the new one with a report tracking all the roster shuffle which happened these last couple of weeks for the TI6 teams.

Retirements, transfers, new blood… So much happened between the “Drop Period” and the “Roster Lock” that we needed a cleared view of all the action and you’ll see, it’s a traffic jam of talents… Kudos to Wings Gaming, Natus Vincere and Escape Gaming for keeping the same rosters!


Discover Mayhem with Twitch and Toornament

Mayhem is the first game from Chobolabs and belongs to the promising generation of competitive multiplayer games for mobile.


Combining different genres from MOBAs to Smash Bros, Mayhem aims to offer a unique brawling experience!

Slated to be released later this year, Mayhem will make its grand Esport debuts at the much-awaited TwitchCon through a special tournament from Sept. 29th to Oct. 2nd.

As we partner with Twitch since Vainglory, Toornament will power this competition. And do you know what’s even cooler? You can get access to Mayhem if you register for the tournament, even though you’re not attending TwitchCon!

Come get your access, registrations are open!