Danes love Esports, and the Copenhagen Games are the proof!

A few days back, we introduced you to the Gamers Assembly, one of the most iconic LAN parties in France and Europe, but that was not all! The Copenhagen Games, another landmark in European esports, is happening this week in Denmark. Competitions started yesterday, and are to last until Sunday following a tight and intense schedule.
A thousand participants are expected to fight in half a dozen different tournaments, and we are proud that Toornament was chosen, for the third consecutive year, to be the platform powering the tournaments, listed below:

csgo CS:GO Open & Main
76 Teams – Groups + Bracket
Played on PC
53 000€
csgo Samsung CS:GO Ladies
28 Teams – Groups + Bracket
Played on PC
14 000€
overwatch Pizzaburger Overwatch
8 Teams – Swiss System + Bracket
Played on PC
9 000€
fifa17 ELGiganten Fifa 17 (Tourney #1 and Tourney #2)
2*64 Players – Groups + Bracket
Played on PS4
5 200 €
hearthstone Hearthstone
200 Players – Swiss System + Bracket
Played on PC/Mobile
2 660€
codiw CoD: Infinite Warfare
24 Teams – Double-Bracket
Played on PS4
1 300 €
leagueoflegends League of Legends
8 Teams – Groups + Bracket
Played on PC
1 300 €

But this event is not just for players, the week is also filled with Esport Conferences and Cosplay happenings, among other things.
If you cant not make it to Copenhagen to follow this event live, make sure to check what is happening on the Official Twitch Channel, and the livestreams of the Community Streamers that will follow and comment the whole party!

What happened during the StarSeries S.3 Finals?

Last week-end were played the Finals for the Season 3 of the i-League StarSeries, with not less than 16 of the best Counter-Strike: Global Offensive teams in the world.
Starladder’s choice for this season has been to go with the Swiss-like system already used in the ESL One: New York in 2016. With double the teams for double the fun, 8 invited teams were to fight 8 qualified teams during the Group Stage.

Tournament & Teams

Invited Europe Qualifier China Qualifier America Qualifier
astralis ninjasinpyjamas fnatic mvpproject immortals
fazeclan north g2esports uya counterlogicgaming
gambitgaming skgaming tyloo hellraisers
natusvincere virtuspro Click on an icon to see the matches from that team in the Group Stage.
All matches have detailed results and replays available !

8 teams qualified from the Group Stage for the Playoffs, and are, in order:

  1. (3-0 score) G2 Esports & Natus Vincere
  2. (3-1 score) North, Astralis & HellRaisers
  3. (3-2 score) Fnatic, CounterLogic Gaming & FaZe Clan

The finalists were then seeded into the Finals bracket depending on their Group Stage ranking, and well let you have a general look before going further into what happened:

FaZe Clan, which barely managed to qualify from the Group Stage, with the #8th rank, finally overcame the challenge and won the trophy, against all odds. Other teams with impressive results were HellRaisers and CLG, which were not expected to perform as well as they did.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, both Brazilian squads, SK Gaming and Immortals have been under-performing during this event, and so was Virtus.pro.

Maps Stats

All 7 maps from the Active Duty Pool have been played during the tournament, but some teams clearly had a bias towards their favorite ones, and as such, some maps have been much more played than others.
Here is the detail of the maps and who were the best teams and players performing on each:

Map Times played Win Rate
(CT / T)
Top Team Top Player
inferno 11 45%/55% fnatic GuardiaN
mirage 10 43.2%/56.8% skgaming s1mple
cbble 8 45.3%/54.7% g2esports shox
train 6 63.7%/36.3% fnatic KRiMZ
cache 6 51.5%/48.5% hellraisers AdreN
overpass 6 60.9%/39.1% g2esports shox
nuke 4 58.3%/41.7% ninjasinpyjamas Xizt

VOD Selection

Even though the whole competition is pretty much a must-see for any and all CS:GO fans, if you do not have time to catch up on every single match, we did a selection for you, so you would not miss the best moments of this historic tournament. Those are maybe not the highest-level games, but the ones you don’t want to miss:

Stage Teams Maps Link
Group Stage
Round 1
hellraisersfazeclan cache Replay
Group Stage
Round 2
northastralis inferno Replay
Group Stage
Round 3
natusvincerenorth inferno Replay
Group Stage
Round 4
counterlogicgaminggambitgaming cobblestone Replay
Group Stage
Round 5
counterlogicgamingimmortals cache Replay
northhellraisers cobblestonecacheoverpass Replay
fazeclanhellraisers miragetrain Replay
Grand Finals
astralisfazeclan miragenukeinferno Replay
In case you only really have 3 minutes, here is the aL’s FragMovie, with the very best actions from the tournament. Bonus

We hope you enjoyed this tournament and were able to make up for anything you’d have missed during the week-end!
See you next time for another epic esports tournament!

Tout ce qu’il faut savoir en tant que Participant

This is the french version of a previous article.

Toornament est une plateforme puissante et pratique pour les organisateurs, et nous voulons également proposer une expérience de qualité aux participants.

Nous avons donc conçu et développé des outils pour vous permettre de suivre vos compétitions et reporter les résultats de vos matchs.


Une fois connecté sur le site, l’Interface Participant (Participant Dashboard) est accessible via le menu de navigation dans le coin supérieur droit de n’importe quelle page de l’interface publique.

Vous pourrez y retrouver tous les tournois dans lesquels vous êtes inscrits,

ainsi que tous ceux dans lesquels vous jouez,

et la liste de vos matchs, passés ou à venir, en cliquant sur l’un de vos tournois en cours.

Si l’organisateur du tournoi a activé le Report par les Participants, il suffit de cliquer sur un match à jouer pour accéder à la page permettant de reporter vos résultats détaillés, d’adresser des commentaires aux organisateurs et éventuellement envoyer une preuve du résultat de match.


Notre Application Mobile gratuite vous permet de faire exactement la même chose, rendant le report de match encore plus simple et rapide si vous jouez sur mobile ou console.

Connectez-vous à votre compte pour accéder à la liste des tournois pour lesquels votre inscription a été validée.


L’application affichera votre prochain match si vous en avez encore à jouer.


Vous pouvez ensuite reporter les résultats de vos matchs directement dans l’application.


Les fonctionnalités offertes aux participants, tout comme celles proposées aux organisateurs, sont en constante amélioration, mais les bases sont là, et il ne vous reste plus qu’à vous inscrire à l’un de nos nombreux tournois communautaires Open, ou créer votre propre tournoi pour affronter vos amis et tester ça!

Discover one of the most emblematic French LAN: the Gamers Assembly

For those of you who don’t know what the Gamers Assembly is, a few numbers from the 2016 edition of what is one of the biggest European LAN:

  • 3 days
  • 12 games
  • 1 800 players
  • 17 000 visitors

Gamers Assembly is back in 2017, from the 15th to 17th of April, in Poitiers, France, with one objective in mind: beating those high scores. It looks like the feat is about to be achieved, as the 3-days BYOC LAN will feature 17 tournaments this year, spanning over 14 games; and as you read those lines, more than 1900 participants have registered to compete!

Without further ado, the tournaments list:

csgo Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
48 Teams – Groups + Bracket
Played on PC
10 000€
lol League of Legends
56 Teams – Groups + Double-Bracket
Played on PC
10 000€
overwatch HyperX Overwatch Trophy
48 Teams – Groups + Double-Bracket
Played on PC
8 000€
r6s Rainbow Six: Siege (PC)
24 Teams – Groups + Double-Bracket
Played on PC
7 500€
r6s Rainbow Six: Siege (Xbox One)
16 Teams – Groups + Double-Bracket
Played on XBox One
7 500€
hearthstone Hearthstone
264 Players – Groups + Double-Bracket
Played on PC
6 400€
codiw Nacon Trophy Call of Duty: IW
24 Teams – Double-Bracket
Played on PS4
5 000€
sf5 Nacon Trophy Street Fighter V
128 Players – Groups + Double-Bracket
Played on PC
3 000€
sc2 Starcraft II
66 Players – Groups + Double-Bracket
Played on PC
3 000€
fifa-17-icon-48x48-medium Fifa 17
128 Players – Groups + Bracket
Played on Xbox One
3 000€
stadium Trackmania 2: Stadium
64 Players – Double-Bracket
Played on PC
2 200€
tf2 Infomax Team Fortress 2 Trophy
8 Teams – Double-Bracket
Played on PC
2 100€
ssb Super Smash Bros Wii U
66 Players – (Groups +) Double-Bracket
Played on WiiU
1 500€
rocketleague Plantronics Rocket League Trophy
24 Teams – Groups + Bracket
Played on PC
1 500€
fullspeed Trackmania FullSpeed
16 Players – Double-Bracket
Played on PC
dirt Trackmania Dirt
24 Players – Double-Bracket
Played on PC
canyon Trackmania 2: Canyon
16 Players – Double-Bracket
Played on PC

If you wish to participate in any of those tournaments, one single link:


All tournaments and results are also available on the Toornament Mobile App, you can look for the Gamers Assembly ones, or yours, or any other tournament you’re interested in!

Since 2014, Gamers Assembly tournaments have been organized and managed on Toornament, and we are proud to be the go-to platform for such a huge and successful event! You can find all current and past tournaments on Toornament:

And if all of this was not enough to hype you up, maybe the Official Trailer will:


How about some Open Community Tournaments?

You want to compete in a tournament, but don’t know how to find one, or where to play? Let us walk you through, and introduce you to our amazing community, with its endless stream of open-registration tournaments for you to participate in!

You are playing on PC? Console? Mobile? You are more into FPS, sports, fighting? There is a tournament for you!
Here is a selection, but feel free to scour our website for games and tournaments, if you can’t find what you are looking for here!

csgo Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Open Tournaments

slovakia Training Cupby Daniel – Online 12 Teams
Groups + Double-Bracket
germany LIGA S.1 Div.1
by Twenty E-Sports – Online
32 Teams
09/06/2017 Register
italy AlphaWolves Cup#1
by HaveFun LTD – Online
32 Teams
Groups + Bracket
400€ CashPrize
italy Gun Racer Cup #1
by IceHax – Online
10 Teams
Double Bracket

vainglory Vainglory Open Tournaments

germany Lunaris Draft
by Lunaris – Online
64 Teams
08/04/2017 Register
belize The Lone Star
by Jinnis – Online
25 Teams
italy International League
by ToXXiC – Online
34 Teams
Groups + Bracket

rocketleague Rocket League Open Tournaments

france FDJ Open Series RL2
by FDJ eSport – Online
256 Teams
Groups + Bracket
450€ CashPrize
09/04/2017 Register

overwatch Overwatch League Open Tournaments

finland HelmiLAN kevät ’17
by HelmiLAN- LAN
8 Teams
Double Bracket
canada EGA Overwatch
by EndGameArena – Online
16 Teams
Groups + Bracket
29/04/2017 Register
canada ComicCup MTL 2017
by ComicCon eSports – Online
Groups + Double Bracket

hearthstone Hearthstone Open Tournaments

europe Bloody Ox EU Open #2
by Bloody Ox Esports – Online
32 Players
unitedarab Chickenbone’s Cardstone Extravaganza
by Ahmad Kayali – Online
32 Players
14/04/2017 Register
finland HelmiLAN kevät ’17
by HelmiLAN – LAN
16 Players
Double Bracket

You are an organizer, and would like us to showcase one of your upcoming tournaments? Feel free to contact us on Twitter or Facebook!