CS:GO Advanced Statistics are back on!

For all of you, Counter Strike: Global Offensive fans, we are happy to announce that the detailed statistics are back for all tournaments using either eBot or AdminBot.

It’s entirely automatic, if you are using one or the other of the bots, after matches are played, detailed statistics will be retrieved and displayed on the public pages of the matches:

Have fun, and it’s time to leave a mark through godlike stats!

Discover the path to becoming a Clash Royale ESWC Champion!

“The ESWC Organizing Committee is pleased to present the different paths to qualify for the ESWC Paris Games Week Clash Royale Final and its 15,000€ of cash prize. It will allow thousands of players from all around the world to access the qualifiers and try to win a slot for the final in Paris. Thus, the 48 upcoming champions will come from Regional Online Qualifiers, National Qualifiers, Direct Selection and Offline Qualifiers.”

And once again, we are proud to announce that all qualifiers and competitions will be held on Toornament!
You can see below the Clash Royale circuit held to qualify North American players, and it’s basically the same for Europe and Latin America (with different dates):

So if you wish to try your luck and prove you’re among the best Clash Royale players in your region, time to register to one or several of your region qualifiers:

Latin America Dates Registration link
Ingame #1 30/09
2:00PM BRT (UTC -3)
Ingame #2 30/09
5:00PM BRT (UTC -3)
Ingame #3 01/10
2:00PM BRT (UTC -3)
Ingame #4 01/10
5:00PM BRT (UTC -3)
Top 64 final 07/10 Top 16 of each ingame tournament
North America Dates Registration link
Ingame #1 07/10
2:00PM CDT (UTC -5)
Ingame #2 07/10
5:00PM CDT (UTC -5)
Ingame #3 08/10
2:00PM CDT (UTC -5)
Ingame #4 08/10
5:00PM CDT (UTC -5)
Top 64 final 14/10 Top 16 of each ingame tournament
Europe Dates Registration link
Ingame #1 14/10
2:00PM CEST (UTC +2)
Ingame #2 14/10
5:00PM CEST (UTC +2)
Ingame #3 15/10
2:00PM CEST (UTC +2)
Ingame #4 15/10
5:00PM CEST (UTC +2)
Top 64 final 22/10 Top 16 of each ingame tournament

Another way to qualify is to get selected directly for the ESWC Paris Games Week Final, by applying for a slot through this Form:

Now, it’s up to you to prove your skill and come meet other champions in Paris! All these information and more can be found on the ESWC Official Website!

Our League of Legends Advanced Features are back!

Sorry about the wait folks, your favorite advanced features for your favorite game are now back on Toornament!
I obviously mean the Tournament Codes and Detailed Statistics!

They now work wonder again, and you can use them to ease up your life as a Tournament Organizer, especially with our new way of handling statistics after a Tournament Code match. Indeed, the URL for the match played with a Tournament Code is now automatically added to the match on Toornament, all you have to do is update the “Stats” link!

Good League of Legends tournaments to all!

Let Mordheim pave the way…

Warhammer Fantasy — does this epic universe even need an introduction? Dive into the world of Mordheim: City of the Damned (Steam, PS4 & Xbox One) and lead your warbands into bloody skirmishes in this turn-based tactical adaptation of the renowned tabletop Games Workshop title.

We are excited to announce that Mordheim is now integrated into the Toornament platform, and we have been working with publisher Focus Home Interactive and developers at Rogue Factor to add official assets and game-specific features.

For new organizers, we have a starter guide to help you Organize your First Tournament, from the registration of your participants to the promotion of your competition thanks to our embeddable widgets and TV Module! Many other settings and advanced features are available, like the Participant Match Report from the Web or our Mobile App!
Of course, we are always working to make the platform better, so share your feedback with us!

Stay tuned and, if you haven’t already, give Mordheim a try!
Whether you’re here to participate in tournaments or take that extra step and start organizing your own, Toornament has been deemed the best platform by the creators of Mordheim for you to compete on!

Will you be in Dallas (Quakecon) or Cologne (Gamescom) this week?

Two major events this week for video games enthusiasts, first the QuakeCon in Dallas, USA, and the Gamescom in Cologne, Germany.
Let’s see what those two events have in store for us!

This year will be the 21st edition of the historic event, and Quake Champions is going to be the guest of honor, with the Finals of the Quake World Championship ($1,000,000 tournaments!) being held during the convention.
Two game modes are present, Duel which pits players 1v1:

And Sacrifice, for team matches 4v4:

If all teams for the Sacrifice tournament are known from the NA and EU Regional Finals, Duel players from their respective NA and EU Regional Finals will be joined by the 8 best BYOC players, which will be qualified live from the convention. You can find all due information regarding the tournaments on the Official Competition Rules.

And you will notice that there’s more than just Quake Champions, there is also an Anniversary Quake II Duel Tournament, a Rage: Road Rage tournament and a Battle of the BYOC DOOM tournament!
This QuakeCon is going to be something to behold, and may be the revival of an epic esports title!

In the meantime in Cologne will be held the Gamescom, with a much diverse panel of exhibitors, from Bandai Namco (Dragon Ball FighterZ anyone?!) to Electronic Arts (who already announced Battlefront II and an esports mode for Battlefield 1), Konami (PES 2018) and Microsoft Studios (preparation for the Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds Invitational was racking up the viewers on Twitch before it even started!), without forgetting Amazon Game Studios (here for their title Breakaway, sort of a mash-up game between Battlerite and Rocket League).

But besides PUBG’s Invitational, this convention is not all about announcements and games to come, as several huge events are to happen there:

The Finals of the Hearthstone Global Games 2017:

Season 2 Finals of the Rainbow Six Siege Pro League Year 2:

Last but not least, the ESWC is also going to be on site with Clash Royale and FIFA 17 tournaments,
As for Clash Royale, two Offline Qualifiers will determine the last players that join the champions who already qualified through the Online Qualifiers since July, and the Round-Robin distribution of the champions is known already:

All details can be found on the ESWC Clash Page.

Finally, the FIFA tournament will be the ESWC GamePro Cup, a national competition where the best german players meet for the title and a 5,000€ Cash Prize:

With two great events taking place in opposite sides of the world, isn’t home still the best place to be, to be able to follow them both and not miss a thing?