Get “Toornament eSports”, our mobile app for your smartphone!

After several months of beta tests, we’re happy to release our free mobile app for iOS and Android. Say Hello to “Toornament eSports”!



We crafted our mobile app as the perfect companion for the Toornament website. Whereas the website is organizer orientated, the mobile app is designed towards the participants, as they can follow the tournaments they play in and get all the schedules and results directly from their mobile phone



Toornament eSports also act as a great match ticker, as our team covers the major eSport tournaments around the world so that you can get all the results, scores and statistics for your bookmark eSport disciplines. But wait, there’s more!

The Toornament eSports mobile app is an ever-evolving project and we plan on adding more features in the next months. Here are some of the next steps we’re working on:

  • Embedded streams and VODs
  • Advanced stats and datas for Dota 2, League Of Legends and Blood Bowl 2
  • Participants can login and register, to find the tournaments they’re in
  • Communication with the tournament organizer
  • Score reporting

We can’t wait to put our next releases into your hands and in the meantime, enjoy our app!



League Of Legends 2015 World Championship: all scores, stats and videos

The most prestigious eSport tournament in the world will set its finals across Europe capitals starting tomorrow, October 1st.
The 16 League Of Legends best teams in the world
will duke it out, as the winner get a whopping $1M prize and the
coveted World Champions title.

The tournament will be split in two phases over October:

  • Groups stage
  • Knockout Stage

Our team is ready to cover all the scores, advanced statistics and stream/VODs links.

Widget for your website

Enrich your coverage by embedding our widget on your site and posts, it’s free and ads free!

Get the embed code and the customisation options here:

Toornament TV

Display the schedule and results on a TV or directly on a stream
with our Toornament TV. It’s an automated, smart content display.

Toornament TV link:

Lessons from the Beta Phase

Thanks to your feedbacks these last 18 months, Toornament has evolved into the most powerful Esport platform out there: new features, new architecture, a mobile app… and this is just the beginning!

Talking about our mobile app, we’ll have a dedicated post soon showing you what’s it’s capable of and how this major project will evolve over the next releases.

In the meatime, Here are some interesting trends spotted during the beta phase that we wanted to share with you:


  • 15,000 tournaments
  • 8,000 tournament organizers from 93 countries
  • 500,000 participants
  • 66 average participants per tournaments
  • 63% online events, 37% offline events

Top 5 games:

  • Counter Strike: Global Offensive (Valve)
  • FIFA (EA)
  • League Of Legends
  • Hearthstone (Blizzard)
  • Call Of Duty (Activision)

Most popular tournament structures:

  • Single Elimination Bracket
  • Groups to Single Elimination Bracket
  • Double Elimination Bracket

To end this little dedrief, we produced a brand new trailer, showcasing Toornament’s wide array of functionalities and features and simplified UI.


About Toornament from OXENT on Vimeo.


If you use and enjoy Toornament, share the love and share this video!


The Toornament team