Case study: Meltdown Tavern Hero

This season, Blizzard launched its exciting Hearthstone tournaments taking place in gaming bars, the Tavern Hero series.


As the leading eSport bars franchise in the world, Meltdown bars were hosting several of these tournaments. Also long time power users of Toornament, they invited us to come and check how they ran the event using our solutions.



Hearthstone and Meltdown’s popularity has always impressed us and for a rainy Saturday afternoon, it was quite a sight to see a filled bar!


At the center of the gaming zone, Meltdown’s events coordinator Clément was gathering results and scores from the participants on the admin computer.



The updated information was then automatically displayed on all the bar’s televisions through Toornament TV.




Some participants were also using the mobile app to stay up-to-date with their next match schedule, especially the ones still in the winner bracket who traditionally have to wait for the Loser Bracket to advance.


It wasn’t a problem tho, as cocktails and training partners were all over the place! It was a pleasure to follow the tournament and everything went smoothly for the participants and the audience.

All this with just one organizer and one eSport platform…




Here are the final results for the Meltdown Paris Tavern Hero tournament:

[Organizers] Setting up your match format at every level of your tournament

Setting your Match Format is a very important part of your tournament creation process, as it generates games, details and options tied to the Esport discipline you picked: maps, characters, rules etc.

Furthermore, Toornament allows you to set up different match formats at every stage of your competition.


What does this mean? More flexibility for you. You can have Best of 1 matches except for the Grand Finals in Best of 3, or Home/Away format during the group stage only, for example.

Let’s see how this works and how each settings work with each other.

General setting


The Match Format option can be found in the “Settings” > “General” part of the dashboard, then in the “Match” tab. Setting up your match format here will make it the default format for the whole competition.

Structure setting


This option can be found in the “Structure” part of your dashboard. Pick the  phase you want to edit and click on the “Configure” button in the upper right of the screen.

Setting up your match format here will make it the default
format for the whole phase ( i.e. Group stage, Bracket etc.).

Match setting


Pick a specific match in the “Matches” part of the dashboard. In the “Miscellaneous” tab, you’ll be able to edit the match format.

Setting up your match format here will only modify this specific match and no other.

Match format hierarchy

Now that you where and how to set up match formats, you might wonder what will happen if you’ve made different choices at different stages. Toornament follows a “Match Format hierarchy” that’s quite logical to understand:

The lower layer will overrule the others.

This means that the “Match setting” has priority over the “Structure setting”, which has priority over the “General setting”, or “Match > Structure > General”.

This hierarchy will allow to quickly set up a match format over your whole tournament and then, fine tune it at more precise stages. Give it a try!

New API functions: Participants and Tournaments

We’re expanding our API’s possibilities, with new Write functions:



  • Create
  • Edit
  • Delete


  • Create
  • Edit
  • Delete

They join our growing array of API functions, including:


  • List of tournaments (by: game, importance, dates, location)
  • Tournaments data (General information and structure, Participants, Schedule, Matches and statistics, Streams and VODs)


  • oAuth 2 (tournaments and tournaments private data)
  • Matches (information, scores and results)

For all details and help on our API, please go on our dedicated developer website.