API Update: now with oAUth 2 and Write functions

How on the heels of our API first version, we’re happy to expand our API possibilities, with Write functions!


The two headlines are “oAuth 2″ and “Write functions” for matches.

oAuth 2

The oAuth 2 protocol is now available in our API, enabling authorized-type access. OAuth 2 is an authorization protocol that enables applications to gain a limited access to user data on an HTTP service.

For more information and details on oAuth 2, please check our dedicated page.

Here are the new accesses you can get:

  • Your tournaments, whatever their status (public or draft)
  • Your tournaments private data (privates notes, participants custom fields and schedules)

Write functions for matches

The first Write functions implemented into our API are match-focused. You can now update:

  • Games and matches information
  • Games and matches scores and results

For more information and details on Matches function, please check our dedicated page.

What’s next ?

We’re prepping more Write calls, such as: participants, tournaments, structures.
Next? You tell us. Which features and functions would like be added next? Let us now in the comments or on our twitter account, we’re all ears!

Link : The Toornament Developer website

New feature: The Tournament Creation Wizard

As a powerful eSport platform, Toornament offers plenty of advanced features, tools and customization options.  This rich array of possibilities can be a bit overwhelming for newcomers at times.

In this view, we streamlined the process and are happy to introduce our Creation Wizard, making a tournament creation as easy as 1-2-3:

1. Pick your discipline and your participants


2. Add the basic tournament information


3. Start the registrations


Note that the Paid Registration option is available right away. To know more about this feature, check our blog post.

That’s it, you’re set. As the regular Toornament Dashboard appears, it is now easier than ever to create a competition in Toornament. Tell you friends!

Our API hits Beta, want to test it?

You read it right: our much awaited API has reached private Beta!

Made for medias, video game and community developers, it will act as a solid foundation for your eSport section, retrieving rich data from the thousands of public tournaments created by our community and the featured tournaments our team covers and pushes.


Our API lets you create automated modules or an automated eSports section. This first version of our API is Read Only and compliant with REST and JSON standards. You’ll get the following information from our database:

  • List of tournaments filtered by: game, importance, dates, location

For each tournament:

  • General information and structure
  • Participants
  • Schedule
  • Matches and statistics
  • Streams and VODs

A few weeks from now, it will feature Read and Write resources, like Score Reporting. Of course, our API is free and only subject to the visual attribution “Powered by Toornament”.

To get an early access to our API, feel free to contact us at [email protected] and tell us what you’d like to build with it, we’d be happy to help!

In the meantime, you can already get an early start by checking the complete API documentation and resources guide on our new, dedicated developer site: developer.toornament.com

We can’t wait to see you use our API!

Watch streams and videos straight from our mobile app!

We’ve updated our mobile app “Toornament eSports” to support and embed the most popular streaming and video platforms straight from the tournament home screen!





You can now watch the associated streams of a tournament right from the homepage. Our app also supports “Picture in Picture” mode, allowing you to browse the tournament results and infos while the stream is still on.



Last but not least, you can check VODs from all the matches when they’re available.





Toornament eSports app supports the following platforms:


  • MLG
  • Hitbox
  • Youtube
  • Youtube Gaming
  • Twitch
  • Dailymotion
  • Dailymotion Gaming


  • Youtube
  • Youtube Gaming
  • Dailymotion
  • Dailymotion Gaming

We’re shaping Toornament eSports to be the best way to follow your eSport tournaments, from the ones you compete in as a participant to the major ones you watch as a fan.



And as an organizer, it’s as easy as ever to add stream and VOD links for your general tournament and individual matches, right from your dashboard.

Our mobile app is free on iOS and Android. Give it a try and enjoy the show!



Download Toornament eSports for iOS (free)

Download Toornament eSports for Android (free)

Blood Bowl II advanced statistics on Toornament

It’s with great pleasure that we welcome Blood Bowl II advanced statistics! The legendary board game is now a great video game, with a huge, dedicated community of brutal assaults and risky tactics fans around the world.
We’ve had the opportunity to work with Blood Bowl’s studio Cyanide and access the game API, to bring you match IDs and automated rich statistics in our widgets.