Get DOTA 2 advanced statistics on Toornament

DOTA lovers, rejoice : starting today, we’re proud to announce that Toornament now support rich informations and statistics for each matches !


Picks, Bans, Kill / Death / Assists, inventory and levels are all there, to provide your audience with more datas. Combined with stream and V.O.D links for each match, our widgets are now the place to go to follow any DOTA 2 tournament.

How does it work ? You just have to enter a match ID (available in your DOTA 2 main menu)

So, here’s our famous widget everybody loves. Just click on a match details and…

… Here’s our widget boasting advanced DOTA 2 informations everybody’s gonna love even more !

This week is the perfect time to show you this feature : the DOTA 2 Asia Championship, entering its final phase from today to Sunday, is our featured tournament of the week. We can’t wait for you to enjoy it and then, try it for yourself.

Happy first blood !

New features : “Check In” and “Export”

We’re pleased to announce two new features on Toornament : “Check In” and “Export”, designed to make your life easier !



“Check In” feature is now available for Toornament, with a focus on tournament admins. Our feedback and own experience as organizers highlighted the need to keep all the check ins process in the admin’s hands, especially on LAN events.

(click for the rest of this post)

So our Check In feature is admin centralised, allowing you to suppress all unchecked participants, for example.

“Check In” feature is now available for everyone, you just need to activate it. We will make the “players’ Check In” available soon after.



Export two types of lists : registered and participating. You can filter your exported list, with criterias such as confirmed/unconfirmed participation.

Toornament will generate a .csv file which can be opened in any sheet software such as Excel. Each list contains rich datas, such as email, ID, status, country etc.

Participants’ list will come particularly handy if you need to email all your participants, for example.

Introducing Toornament TV

After weeks of development and testing, we’re very proud to introduce Toornament TV!

Toornament TV was tailor made for offline tournaments involving multiple spots (gaming zone, stages…) and public audience.

Offline events involves a lot of stress on schedules and location, each multiplying the other. How to keep you players informed about their upcoming matches ? Your attending audience up to date with the tournaments advancement, the next big match on the big stage ? The answer : a lot of efforts, a lot of staff and a lot of stress. Our answer : Toornament TV.

Tournament TV is a smart, automated public display solution, designed with this key goals in mind :

  • Better understanding of the tournament(s) advancement
  • Dresses up your event with live content : photos, info strips, scores
  • Keeps the visitor informed, entertained and starving for more

How does Toornament TV works ? Well, it can’t get easier than this : the whole system is automated. We’ve designed a smart behaving, setting a wide and relevant set of rules, so that Toornament TV makes the right decisions and displays the right infos at the right time.
The added value is huge : for no extra time or no extra people in your team, your event gets much easier to understand and follow. And much prettier, too !

Here’s a typical use of Toornament TV :

You’re running a mid to large size LAN, with a main stage, a gaming zone and a partner zone
Each spot will attract your participants along with your audience
Main stage needs to show what are the next matches, Gaming Zone needs to show Tournaments advancement and your partners want well, to be visible on your events !
Each spot thus require a dedicated information desk, computer and admin to run it, plus 1-2 additionnal displays
Toornament TV can automatically handle all the informations / display tasks, freeing 3 additionnal admins on your team. Just start it from your Toornament admin options.

Toornament TV requirements are quite simple and straight forward :

– A PC with GPU dedicated per TV (one computer can run several displays with the same info)
– A modern web browser
– A Full HD (1920×1080) display
– A click in your Toornament page

Toornament TV embeds a live info strip, based on a Twitter feed and hashtag. Toornament TV is also customisable through its main elements :

  • Background picture
  • Main layout picture
  • Border color (CSS)
  • Text color


You can check it Live on this page and learn more by reading The Toornament TV User Guide (pdf).

New update: registrations and statistics

We released a new update for Toornament that brings two important features: participants registrations and view statistics.

Participants Registrations

Toornament now allows you to manage the participants registrations. In your tournament settings, a new section allows you to enable or disable registrations and configure several options such as opening/closing dates and messages.

Once the registrations are enabled, a new dedicated registration page is available on Toornament and allows players to register for your tournament. Your widget also features a registration link that redirects to the dedicated page. We tried to keep it as simple as possible so players don’t need to create a Toornament account, they only need to enter their email and confirm it.

In your online dashboard, you will see a new registration section. All of your registration requests are listed here with the ability to accept or refuse them. Once a registration is accepted, it becomes a participant in your tournament. With this update we also added more flexibility to the participants management. You can now easily create and remove participants without touching to the structure or changing the size of the tournament.

During the registration, teams must also provide their lineup. The minimum and maximum number of players for a team may be configured in your tournament settings.

This is the first step of our registration feature. Take the time to test it and fill free to share your feedback with us. Your feedback is really valuable to optimize this functionality and go further.

View statistics

Are you curious about how many users view your tournament widget? We added the statistics of your tournament widget in your online dashboard. You will be aware of the numbers of users, sessions and views of your tournament through his widget. We also provide the 5 best referrers. We hope it will give your more insights about your tournament and help you increase his popularity.

Try this update, and again share your feedback with us!