New features : “Check In” and “Export”

We’re pleased to announce two new features on Toornament : “Check In” and “Export”, designed to make your life easier !



“Check In” feature is now available for Toornament, with a focus on tournament admins. Our feedback and own experience as organizers highlighted the need to keep all the check ins process in the admin’s hands, especially on LAN events.

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So our Check In feature is admin centralised, allowing you to suppress all unchecked participants, for example.

“Check In” feature is now available for everyone, you just need to activate it. We will make the “players’ Check In” available soon after.



Export two types of lists : registered and participating. You can filter your exported list, with criterias such as confirmed/unconfirmed participation.

Toornament will generate a .csv file which can be opened in any sheet software such as Excel. Each list contains rich datas, such as email, ID, status, country etc.

Participants’ list will come particularly handy if you need to email all your participants, for example.