This week, we’ve been working on 4 features improving your experience on Toornament. Here they are :
1. New widget : Registration

Our new widget will come very handy if you have your own website, as it acts as the smoothest way from your tournament announcement post to the registration page. Mesuring 300 px wide per 88 px high. It displays essential infos such as the event name and registration time.
Here’s a example with the incoming Dreamhack France :
2. Revamped Share dashboard

We’ve reworked the “Share” dashboard in your admin panel, highlighting the available and incoming tools : widgets, custom page, Toornament TV and social networks.
3. Paid Registration now handles Dollar

Paid Registration has been met with great feedback and requests from the community and we’re happy to announce that we now adding the Dollar currency, along with Euro ! With this, we’ll start to invite more organizers. If you’re interested with our Paid Registration feature, feel free to fire us an email !
4. Easier support

Our support platform has been upgraded so that now, you can contact our support people directly from your admin panel, we get back to you even faster than before !
We hope you’ll like and use them. And of course, we remain focused on your feedback – share it through our new support system !