[Organizers] Tip: home and away matches in your groups

By default when you create a groupstage each participant plays each other once. But you can easily create the home and away matches in Toornament.

You will find the home and away option in the structure section. Select your groups, go to the configuration and the structure tab. You will find the pairing method. Select double robin, it will generate home and away matches

More than words, watch this video to see how to create your home and away matches:

New features and improvements

This week, we’ve been working on 4 features improving your experience on Toornament. Here they are :

1. New widget : Registration


Our new widget will come very handy if you have your own website, as it acts as the smoothest way from your tournament announcement post to the registration page. Mesuring 300 px wide per 88 px high. It displays essential infos such as the event name and registration time.

Here’s a example with the incoming Dreamhack France :

2. Revamped Share dashboard


We’ve reworked the “Share” dashboard in your admin panel, highlighting the available and incoming tools : widgets, custom page, Toornament TV and social networks.

3. Paid Registration now handles Dollar


Paid Registration has been met with great feedback and requests from the community and we’re happy to announce that we now adding the Dollar currency, along with Euro ! With this, we’ll start to invite more organizers. If you’re interested with our Paid Registration feature, feel free to fire us an email !

4. Easier support


Our support platform has been upgraded so that now, you can contact our support people directly from your admin panel, we get back to you even faster than before !

We hope you’ll like and use them. And of course, we remain focused on your feedback – share it through our new support system !

Our mobile app is coming

After weeks of work our mobile app will be available for free on iOS and Android by the end of March.


Aptly named “Toornament”, our mobile app is aimed toward your competitors as a companion app. Our mobile app will help you manage your competitors in a much easier, smoother, more efficient way.

Here are its main features :

  • Displays all the infos, as our widgets : scores, results, schedules, stats etc.
  • Organizers can publish notes (i.e change of schedule) which will be pushed to the app
  • Once the app is loaded, informations remain available even offline
  • Live notifications your competitors receive when they have an incoming match
  • Sharing options
  • Authentification
  • Bookmarking for the toornaments you follow


The first version, out by the end of March, will be about displaying informations. We’ll add more features over the next weeks and iterations.

Hope you’ll like it !

Get DOTA 2 advanced statistics on Toornament

DOTA lovers, rejoice : starting today, we’re proud to announce that Toornament now support rich informations and statistics for each matches !


Picks, Bans, Kill / Death / Assists, inventory and levels are all there, to provide your audience with more datas. Combined with stream and V.O.D links for each match, our widgets are now the place to go to follow any DOTA 2 tournament.

How does it work ? You just have to enter a match ID (available in your DOTA 2 main menu)

So, here’s our famous widget everybody loves. Just click on a match details and…

… Here’s our widget boasting advanced DOTA 2 informations everybody’s gonna love even more !

This week is the perfect time to show you this feature : the DOTA 2 Asia Championship, entering its final phase from today to Sunday, is our featured tournament of the week. We can’t wait for you to enjoy it and then, try it for yourself.

Happy first blood !