Toornament menu #5: What to Watch, Where to Play

As your Esports platform, Toornament brings you many tournaments to follow and even more to participate in.

Check out all our “Games” sections and browse the “Featured” and “Open” tabs. Here are some noteworthy picks from our staff:


OW APEX Season 2

When Overwatch came, the big question was: “Will South Korea dive into an FPS?”. The answer is resounding yes and the Korean teams are already dominating, with pristine skill and innovative picks which have redefine the meta many times already – check out Lunatic Hai on Youtube to see what we’re talking about. If you love the game, you can’t miss its main Korean league!

Also worth watching


Let’s Play Spring 1v1 ASUS Challenge

Wanna show your individual skills at LoL? Happen to be in Sofia, Bulgaria? Enter this 1v1 challenge and win great prizes!