[Organizers] How to read the match nomenclature?

In order to help you organizers identify any given match easily, we’ve adopted an easy to use and memorize string made of four numbers.

You can see it on every match on Toornament:


The string of numbers simply describes each step of the tournament, from the larger to the smaller.

“Stage > Group > Round > Match”

  • Stage is the phase of the tournament. For example, a “groupstage to playoffs” structure means there are two stages: Groups (1), then Playoffs (2)
  • Group designates the group in which the match in being played.
  • Round is the series of matches inside a group. In a group of 4 where each participants play their 3 other opponents once, there are 3 rounds.
  • Each round holds a certain number of matches to be completed.

This means that a match labelled “″ will be in Stage 1, Group 3, Round 2, Match 5. This will help you “locate” a match in a snap. Worth noting!