The Toornament CS:GO Stats

Counter Strike: Global Offensive is one of the greatest Esports out there.
Played at all levels around the world (in our offices), the Valve shooter continues to strive and is one of the most popular Esport on our platform.

In the wake of our integration with CS:GO match manager AdminBot, we ran a scan over all the CSGO tournaments created on our platform and came up with interesting numbers and metrics.


Interesting trends here. Offline tournaments are more widespread than one could think. Our tip? Pick Cache to build up hype, it’s the most contested map of our pool.


Europe is still CS stronghold, with 7 countries in our Top 10. America comes second but is clearly on the rise since last year, as we see more and more tournaments from Brazil, the USA and Canada.


Cache, Mirage and Dust2 represent more than 50% of the map picks. This trend applies for both pro and amateur tournaments.


It’s always very interesting to see our maps are popular in given countries. France’s top maps are evenly spread while Israel shows a clear preference towards Mirage…

Our integration with AdminBot will bring even more stats in the future, and we’ll share the trends with you on a regular basis.