Let Toornament automatically accept registrations in your tournament

You are organizing a tournament, open to all? You don’t want to have to manually accept registrations, and let the system handle that part? It is now possible on Toornament thanks to a new option available in the Registration Settings menu:

This option will automatically validate all registrations in your tournament, in order of creation date, and up to the tournament size limit. Future participants will have the very same experience, it’s just that the validation of their registration (and the email that comes with it) will arrive immediately, instead of after a manual action from you.

If you wish to learn more about the specifics of this new feature, how it works and behaves in certain situations:

Registrations can now be edited by participants!

Organizers and participants alike, we have a new update coming to the platform today, that will make your lives easier!
From now on, participants are able to see, and edit, their registration information after they have submitted it. To access it, a player (or any player from a registered team), has a new “My Registration” item in the Tournament Navigation:

The options offered to you depend on the status of your registration, and you can learn more about it in the

We have other improvements coming to the website soon to make the registration process even better, like auto-validation of the registrations, see our Public Roadmap for more information!

Organizer API v.2 and new Disciplines

Huge news for our fellow organizers that are also developers, our new version of the API just got a lot of its missing endpoints in the Organizer scope!

You are now able to perform actions on your tournaments, such as creating a new one, retrieving all of your tournaments, editing their general settings and even deleting them!

Along with these tournament endpoints, Matches and Participants also have their endpoints in the API v.2!

See our API Documentation for all useful information about this tool for you to use our Toornament technology on your website, to improve your event production! If you would like to build amazing things with our API, request an access by sending an email to our Contact!

On another note, we also updated our list of available disciplines, by adding a bunch of new (and older) ones:

Mario Tennis Aces
The Crew 2
World of Warcraft
Cuisine Royale
MotoGP 18
Fractured Lands
Icons: Combat Arena

If you want us to add your game, or a game you organize tournaments on, to our supported list, feel free to contact us and we will gladly meet your demand!

Tooltips & New Settings

Following our Dashboard Update, we keep on improving our organizers’ experience with the platform with these two new quality-of-life updates:


Help messages are now integrated into the platform, for a better readability, without being in the way of more advanced users.


Pay attention, some of them have links inside to learn more about advanced features!

New Settings

Just like how we gathered all relevant information about the tournament status on a single interactive Dashboard, all settings are now accessible from a single page, much clearer and design than the unfolding menu:

Blocks may appear or disappear depending on the discipline, and will be greyed out if you do not have the permission to use them.

These are soon to be followed by other improvements, especially in the Participant (registration process update) and Developer (Organizer API v.2) domains! Stay tuned!

Here is your new Organizer Dashboard

You do remember our old dashboard, with its cards and icons?
You can now kiss it goodbye, as we release a brand new dashboard, made to guide you through your whole tournament process:

new dashboard

Blocks are now evolving as your tournament progress, displaying relevant information during the setup and running phases, such as the registrations, participants, stages, matches etc.

As usual, it’s bound to get improved further, so don’t hesitate telling us what you think about it, and if you want to share your feedback about other features, our Feedback Form is still up!