Spotlight on our FIFA Organizers

FIFA is a growing esports, as can be seen from livestream audiences and community activity around competitive events, as has been noted on Toornament for a while now.
With the FIFA eWorld Cup drawing near, we wanted to put the spotlight on this community, by letting some of our most active FIFA organizers speak up.


Who are you?
My name is Guillermo, I’m 36 yrs old. I’m originally from Peru but live in the US.

What do you like most on Toornament?
I like Toornament because of all the options it gives you to set up tournaments.
Also the widgets are amazing, and very detailed.

Do you have any tournament going on, or coming soon?
Yes, we currently have the Season 2 of our League going on. I organize at least 2 tournaments every month.


Who are you?
We are an Indian based eSports company – GamingMonk. We organise a lot of community-based competitions, and major-level events in India and regularly host these offline events on Toornament. You can check out everything about us on the GamingMonk Website.

What do you like most on Toornament?
We like the flexibility it provides in hosting an event. The high level of customization available and the variety of games it supports.
Lot of feedback we have given to make it better, and the team has been listening to us constantly.
It’s a great experience overall. It really helps us host great events.

Do you have any tournament going on, or coming soon?
Yes we have 4-6 events upcoming events in December and January.

Immense Gaming Leagues

Who are you?
I am Lee, the owner of a competitive gaming website where we offer Fifa 18 Pro Clubs Leagues.

What do you like most on Toornament?
I like how easy to use Toornament is, also the availability of assistance if needed and the great mobile app that accompanies all active tournaments

Do you have any tournament going on, or coming soon?
We currently have the IGL Fifa 18 Season 1 running on Toornament.

IVFL eSports

Who are you?
I’m Diego from IVFLeSports, we are growing Latinoamerican FIFA leagues and tournaments organization in Pro Clubs (11v11) and 1v1 game modes. We started in 2015 with online and offline events, stream channels and a community with more than 3,000 players. If you like Fifa, join us on the IVFL Website.

What do you like most on Toornament?
We liked the intuitive platform, and the customization options. As organizers, we find the registrations and reports in Toornament particularly useful, and we use the widgets to share all the competitions information on our website.
Finally we like that you never stop looking to improve, we have seen new features and versions of the website come, so keep going!!

Do you have any tournament going on, or coming soon?
We are currently running our monthly national rankings in 1v1 mode in Colombia, Chile, México and Argentina, qualifying for the IVFL Regional Cup!

But that’s only a fraction of what our community has to offer, so feel free to scour our FIFA18 Open Tournaments and find the one that suits you, and try to become a champion!