Discover the path to becoming a Clash Royale ESWC Champion!

“The ESWC Organizing Committee is pleased to present the different paths to qualify for the ESWC Paris Games Week Clash Royale Final and its 15,000€ of cash prize. It will allow thousands of players from all around the world to access the qualifiers and try to win a slot for the final in Paris. Thus, the 48 upcoming champions will come from Regional Online Qualifiers, National Qualifiers, Direct Selection and Offline Qualifiers.”

And once again, we are proud to announce that all qualifiers and competitions will be held on Toornament!
You can see below the Clash Royale circuit held to qualify North American players, and it’s basically the same for Europe and Latin America (with different dates):

So if you wish to try your luck and prove you’re among the best Clash Royale players in your region, time to register to one or several of your region qualifiers:

Latin America Dates Registration link
Ingame #1 30/09
2:00PM BRT (UTC -3)
Ingame #2 30/09
5:00PM BRT (UTC -3)
Ingame #3 01/10
2:00PM BRT (UTC -3)
Ingame #4 01/10
5:00PM BRT (UTC -3)
Top 64 final 07/10 Top 16 of each ingame tournament
North America Dates Registration link
Ingame #1 07/10
2:00PM CDT (UTC -5)
Ingame #2 07/10
5:00PM CDT (UTC -5)
Ingame #3 08/10
2:00PM CDT (UTC -5)
Ingame #4 08/10
5:00PM CDT (UTC -5)
Top 64 final 14/10 Top 16 of each ingame tournament
Europe Dates Registration link
Ingame #1 14/10
2:00PM CEST (UTC +2)
Ingame #2 14/10
5:00PM CEST (UTC +2)
Ingame #3 15/10
2:00PM CEST (UTC +2)
Ingame #4 15/10
5:00PM CEST (UTC +2)
Top 64 final 22/10 Top 16 of each ingame tournament

Another way to qualify is to get selected directly for the ESWC Paris Games Week Final, by applying for a slot through this Form:

Now, it’s up to you to prove your skill and come meet other champions in Paris! All these information and more can be found on the ESWC Official Website!