Toornament is the free Esport Platform

Yep, Toornament is free. You’ll read this sentence a few time during this blog, but want to make it super clear: Toornament is free.

With our explosive growth these past few months a lot of new members, organizers and participants alike, asked the money question: do I have to pay to run a tournament? Are there features to unlock on you mobile app? How much does it cost to access the API? etc.

Our take is simple: Toornament aims to be the most powerful Esport platform. Toornament aims to remain free and open.

We’re on a mission to elevate the Esport tournaments quality bar for Esports communities and the best way to achieve it is to make the best product possible and open it to everyone.

So yeah, you got the brief: Toornament is the powerful, open and free Esport platform.