Get DOTA 2 advanced statistics on Toornament

DOTA lovers, rejoice : starting today, we’re proud to announce that Toornament now support rich informations and statistics for each matches !


Picks, Bans, Kill / Death / Assists, inventory and levels are all there, to provide your audience with more datas. Combined with stream and V.O.D links for each match, our widgets are now the place to go to follow any DOTA 2 tournament.

How does it work ? You just have to enter a match ID (available in your DOTA 2 main menu)

So, here’s our famous widget everybody loves. Just click on a match details and…

… Here’s our widget boasting advanced DOTA 2 informations everybody’s gonna love even more !

This week is the perfect time to show you this feature : the DOTA 2 Asia Championship, entering its final phase from today to Sunday, is our featured tournament of the week. We can’t wait for you to enjoy it and then, try it for yourself.

Happy first blood !